2023 - What's ahead?
Something at the end of a neck?
No, artist's probably shouldn't do word-play.
There is some funny stuff ahead, though: it's not long until the release of the latest Flavio adventure, written by the fabulous Cassidy Jackson-Carroll and illustrated by me!

'Flavio Between the Flags' sees our favourite flamingo advancing himself as a creature who cares about others and wants to do something to help. His first adventure dealt with loneliness and depression; his second dealt with negligence and dietary difficulties. But, Flavio has experienced a paradigm shift in his sense of responsibility and self-confidence. Find out what mad antics Flavio's friends get up to in 'Flavio Between the Flags' and watch a flamingo take the first step towards greatness.
Also, Pat Clarke and I recently released another book (well, two, actually) - our seventh and eighth collaberations. Find out what's happening in the Magic Forest of Goonoo in 'Tales from the Magic Forest' and 'In Search of the Goonoobee'. Full of fun and companionable adventures, as always.

In the meantime, I will be continuing towards that long term goal of the Fantasy Exhibition - yes, there will be dragons and other beasties in 2024!
Until next time,